
Hi, I’m Meg!

I’m 30 years old and live with Acute Intermittent Porphyria.

Auntie, daughter, girlfriend, sister, SLP and friend from Massachusetts

Lover of: reality TV, the beach, dogs, music & shopping.

At the age of 25, I was diagnosed with Acute Intermittent Porphyria after spending a week in the ICU with nausea, stomach pains, high blood pressure, a crazy heart rate and dangerously low levels of sodium.

I was stunned. I was exhausted. I didn’t know even know what the word Porphyria meant.

Originally written in 2020 & 2021, I’ve re-launched my blog to continue to share my journey-the good, the bad, and the in between- to help anyone facing one of a kind journeys.

Want to connect? Feel free to email me at oneofaipkindblog@gmail.com